There are many technologies in this course that I can seem myself using in the my current and future job situations.  As a classroom teacher, I already use technology quite a bit, but there are some new things I am excited about using next year.  Podcasting seems like a good way to engage students in topics and could also be used as an assessment tool.  I am thinking of using it for specific assignments (maybe book report) and also creating a podcast that everyone can contribute to that would be updated monthly, maybe even requiring interviews.  Blogging might also be a good way to get students interacting with each other on different topics.  Google Docs, as I mentioned in an earlier post, is another application I will use next year.  I usually have students create PowerPoint presentations, but they have to work on them at school (unless they have a flash drive).  Google Docs will allow them to work from home, if they have Internet.  The programs is also very user friendly.  All these ways help students get more familiar with different technologies that they will be using as they get older.  The important thing is to break them in slowly and be consistent with usage, so they do not forget how to us it.  

As a future athletic director, there are several technologies that I can see myself using.  I have created a Facebook fan page, that has been visited frequently by alumni and player families.  It is a great place to post video, schedules, practices, and other information.  Twitter would be good to use to give game updates of the different sports in the department.  I am going to see if I can get one of my coaches or parents to do game updates of our road games next year.  I also want to use iMovie much more to edit game film.  Google calendar is another service that I began using this year for my summer ball schedule. It seems like a great way to keep families informed of schedules and for athletic departments to keep game schedules and facilities use management...and it's free.  I can also give multiple people access to the calendars and access to update as well.  

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