Many of the things we have done in class up to this point, I have some familiarity with.  However, the class has allowed me to take more in-depth look into them.  There are many features about this applications that I did not know about (and still more that I have yet to discover).  It has been fun to start and maintain a blog these past weeks.  I think that it can be a good learning tool and I am already thinking of ways that I can utilize it in my fifth grade classroom.  I think it is a great way for people to interact and the best part is that it is free.  

I have also discovered that Twitter and Facebook are great ways to promote and relay information about the basketball program I am in charge of.  After the investigation of Facebook fan pages this week, I have more ideas of how I can improve my existing page to the intended target audience of players, families, and potential families new to the school.  

Lastly, I had fun experimenting with the photo editing online programs.  I did not have much experience with these previously and it was fun to try several of them to see what I liked about each.  Many of the programs were very user friendly, which makes experimenting with it more fun.  
Jeremy Warkentin
5/24/2012 03:00:17 am

I agree that most of these programs are very user friendly. That helps take the fear or apprehension out of exploring new technologies. It's kind of fun to try new things and experiment with whats out there.

Matt Logue
5/24/2012 03:01:35 am

Derek unlike you I had no experience with any of these technologies. After learning about them it has become much easier than I thought. I don't know how much I will use it in my classroom. I am not a head coach yet either so probably wouldn't use facebook or twitter for a sport yet either. I could see how it will benefit your basketball program though. And editing the photos was pretty fun also. Good luck with your basketball program.

Dominic Mascola
5/24/2012 07:31:38 am


I agree with you that past three weeks have been fun looking digger in these online tools. There is a lot free and great tools that can be used to help promote yourself and team. These tools will help you in marketing and branding your team which benefit them and you.


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